The Results of World Stations by Entry RDXC-2009
MOST Multi operators - single TX
MO2T Multi operators - two TX
SOAB-MIX Single operator - Mixed
SOAB-MIX-LP Single operator - Mixed - Low power
SOAB-MIX-QRP Singe operator - Mix - QRP (max 5 Wt)
SOAB-CW Single operator - CW
SOAB-CW-LP Single operator - CW - Low power
SOAB-SSB Single operator - SSB
SOAB-SSB-LP Single operator - SSB - Low power
SOSB-1.8 Single operator - 1.8 Mc
SOSB-3.5 Single operator - 3.5 Mc
SOSB-7 Single operator - 7 Mc
SOSB-14 Single operator - 14 Mc
SOSB-21 Single operator - 21 Mc
SOSB-28 Single operator - 28 Mc
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